Frequently ask questions

We have the answers

Most popular questions

With so many different materials and applications for resin flooring we understand potential clients may have a number of questions. Below are some of the ones we feel come up very often. We would also encourage you to contact us with any more specific questions about our services, products and their uses.

Unfortunately not, we are specialists in carrying out flooring installations on commercial and industrial projects.

Areas must be dry, clear from debris and ready for us to start.

Polyurethane Screed after 7 days depending on how much water has been used in the concrete, and site conditions. Plus we do have a Resin Liquid Damp Proof Membrane.

Yes of course! We would just need to carry out a site survey.

From 6 hours up to 24 depending on which flooring materials you require.

Yes, we find weekends and public holidays very busy for our team.

No, We only install floors. Our flooring systems are supplied by the highest quality manufacturers.

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If you need any help, would like a quote or wish to discuss a project then place send us a message and we’ll call you!

Sectors We Serve

High-Quality Commercial & Industrial Flooring Solutions

Aerospace Flooring

Automotive Flooring

Commercial / Domestic Flooring

Food & Drink Flooring

Pharmaceutical Flooring

Sub-Floor Preparation

Industrial Flooring

Warehouse & Factory Flooring